The fact that credit repair can make your credit report look better is unquestioned. There are certain things that can help you improve your credit report. You need to include all those information in your credit report that you think can make a positive impression on the creditors. You can make use of goodwill intervention if you are too busy to concentrate on debt relief. It is unwise to throw away credit cards that are not in use, particularly if you were punctual with your payments associated with the particular card. You should not think that procuring a new credit card will improve your credit score. And, do not rush with your credit repair as it usually takes two to three months to get your better your credit report.
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Friday, 31 July 2009
How to Tackle Identity Theft?
Identity theft can happen to anybody at any time. Whenever you find indications of identity theft you should perform the following actions to ensure minimum damage to your account and to prevent future thefts. Contact the fraud department of the three major credit bureaus - Experian, TransUnion, Equifax. Do not use any other means than telephone to make this contact. Inform the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by calling 1-877-438-4338. Inform the state police. This way you are alerting the police of a criminal act and helping them find those who are responsible for this crime. Inform your creditors and any other creditors that identity theft has happened to you.
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Students without a Credit History Can Also Secure Loans
Many students need the helping hand of loans to purse the academic career they dreamt of. Students fresh from high school may not have a credit history as they are too young to think about their financial matters seriously. In the case of those students who are drop-outs from high school, even if they have credit histories, their credit histories may have lots of blemishes. There are several providers that offer loans for students without a credit history.
Federal Stafford Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, Consolidation Loans and FFEL PLUS Consolidation Loans are among the schemes that can be availed in the absence of a credit history. Loans which can be consolidated include FFEL and Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, SLS loans and Health Education Assistance Loans.
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Federal Stafford Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, Consolidation Loans and FFEL PLUS Consolidation Loans are among the schemes that can be availed in the absence of a credit history. Loans which can be consolidated include FFEL and Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, SLS loans and Health Education Assistance Loans.
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Understand What Constitutes the FICO Score
Getting a knowledge about the various constituents of FICO score will help you to optimize your financial behavior in such a way that you attain the best possible credit score. The various constituents of FICO score include,
- 35% - decided by the number of times you paid your bills on time.
- 30% - determined by the amount of debt,
- 15% - determined by how long your credit history
- 10% - depends on the types of credit used
- 10% - Decided by the recent attempts you made to accrue credit or by how successful you were in accruing credit recently.
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- 35% - decided by the number of times you paid your bills on time.
- 30% - determined by the amount of debt,
- 15% - determined by how long your credit history
- 10% - depends on the types of credit used
- 10% - Decided by the recent attempts you made to accrue credit or by how successful you were in accruing credit recently.
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Debt Settlement Does Not Free You Completely From Your Credit Card Liability
People think that they have been able to achieve a huge saving of money when they get credit card debt forgiveness from their credit card companies. Yes, it is right that you will only be required to pay an amount much less than your outstanding debt. But, your liability associated with the particular credit card for which you secured debt settlement does not end there. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be taxing you for the amount you received as debt forgiveness. This is because your credit card company will notify the IRS of the debt forgiveness received by you.
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Is Debt Relief a Viable Option for You?
Consumer credit card debt relief is heavily utilized nowadays to alleviate the financial suffering that many people are going through. First of all, people should understand, debt negotiation is not everybody’s cup of tea. For some people bankruptcy is a better option than debt negotiation and some other people may not have enough composure to bear the whole process of debt relief.
Debt relief has got its pluses and minuses like any entity in the world. On the plus side, it allows consumers to quickly settle their debt at an amount which is lower than what they owe to the lender. On the minus side, if you are to qualify for debt relief, you need to fall behind on your payments. The heavy presence of scams also needs to be taken care of.
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Debt relief has got its pluses and minuses like any entity in the world. On the plus side, it allows consumers to quickly settle their debt at an amount which is lower than what they owe to the lender. On the minus side, if you are to qualify for debt relief, you need to fall behind on your payments. The heavy presence of scams also needs to be taken care of.
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Credit Rating and Its Significance
Credit rating can be of different types and this can sow the seeds of doubts in a consumer’s mind. What looks puzzling on the outside becomes relatively simple once you start to spend a bit of time to get into the finer details of different types of credit rating.
The FICO formula forms the basis of all types of credit rating in America. The FICO score varies between 300 and 850. The lower your credit score, the lower will be your credibility when you approach lenders or apply for a credit card. So, always ensure that you do everything at your power to keep your credit score at a decent figure.
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The FICO formula forms the basis of all types of credit rating in America. The FICO score varies between 300 and 850. The lower your credit score, the lower will be your credibility when you approach lenders or apply for a credit card. So, always ensure that you do everything at your power to keep your credit score at a decent figure.
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Thursday, 30 July 2009
The Impact of Bankruptcy on Securing Credit Cards
Bankruptcy affects your credit score in a highly degrading way. It will be very difficult for you to secure a credit card after you are under the bankruptcy cloud. The stain created by bankruptcy can last for 10 years on your credit report. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to secure a credit card for the whole of your next 10 years in life. If you begin restoring your credit, you will be able to get a credit card within several years. Until you improve your credit enough so that you can go for normal credit cards, a secured credit card is the only option before you once you are bankrupt.
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Is It Low APR Or Cash Back Card That Suits You Better?
Both low APR and cash back cards have their advantages and disadvantages. It is you who have to decide, which one will suit you better. The low APR card can be ideal if your major priority is a card that will not require you to pay off your balance every month. Contrary to the low APR card, the cash back card suits more to those who are inclined to pay off their balance completely each month. The attractive feature about this card is that you can win rewards for the money you spend. Finally, it is your assessment about your financial situation that matters the most in buying credit cards.
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People with Bad Credit Need to Act Proactively
People with bad credit often get into mortgage deals for bad credit or refinancing their homes thinking that these are the only ways to improve their financial situation. You will find companies that accept your application without paying any regard to your credit score. They will pass your loan application in little time.
But, the fees and interest associated with the loan could be well out of reach for you. Even if you want to close your loan, these companies will charge a sizeable amount from you as a fee. All these hassles can be avoided if you are willing to spend around 30 to 90 days repairing your credit, which will boost your credit score sufficiently so that you will not need to think about mortgage for bad credit or home refinancing.
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But, the fees and interest associated with the loan could be well out of reach for you. Even if you want to close your loan, these companies will charge a sizeable amount from you as a fee. All these hassles can be avoided if you are willing to spend around 30 to 90 days repairing your credit, which will boost your credit score sufficiently so that you will not need to think about mortgage for bad credit or home refinancing.
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Free Prepaid Credit Cards to Realize the Financial Dreams of People without a Checking Account
Those who do not have a checking account do not need to rue about this incapability when it comes to securing a credit card. Free prepaid credit cards are there to help you to achieve your financial goals. Free prepaid credit cards do not charge you to turn your check into cash as many of the schemes offer free paying of bill and the provision to deposit your check directly.
You can even receive an advance from some of the providers. However, you will have to pay extra fees to avail this facility. This facility will be a great help when an urgent need for money arises. If you do not make utilizing this facility a regular feature of your life, you are certainly going to benefit from it.
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You can even receive an advance from some of the providers. However, you will have to pay extra fees to avail this facility. This facility will be a great help when an urgent need for money arises. If you do not make utilizing this facility a regular feature of your life, you are certainly going to benefit from it.
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Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Short Sales to Avoid Blemishing Your Credit History
It is undoubted that a foreclosure is going to have a negative impact on your credit history. There will be situations in your life when a foreclosure is imminent. In such situations, a short sale can help you regroup. In a short sale, the lender will permit you to transfer possession of your home to another party at a price, which is less than what you owe on the loan.
With a short sale, you can save your credit score from collapsing. But, to secure a good short sale, you should seek the services of a reliable and experienced real estate agent. A skilled real estate agent will be able to determine whether or not a short sale is the most beneficial option for you while you are facing foreclosure.
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With a short sale, you can save your credit score from collapsing. But, to secure a good short sale, you should seek the services of a reliable and experienced real estate agent. A skilled real estate agent will be able to determine whether or not a short sale is the most beneficial option for you while you are facing foreclosure.
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Why It Is Essential to Check Your Credit Report Regularly
Checking your credit report regularly is highly essential to maintain a good credit score. This is because errors can creep into your credit report at any time. An erroneous credit report means your credit score is at risk of going down. Making your credit report error-free is particular crucial when you are about to apply for a loan or when you are about to approach a lender.
Errors in your credit card can deteriorate your chances of qualifying for a loan. Similarly, canceling your credit cards can diminish your credit score. Even if the card is not in use, it will help you build a longer credit history, which will contribute to a better credit score. Also, try to refrain from withdrawing credit card balances from one account for putting into another.
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Errors in your credit card can deteriorate your chances of qualifying for a loan. Similarly, canceling your credit cards can diminish your credit score. Even if the card is not in use, it will help you build a longer credit history, which will contribute to a better credit score. Also, try to refrain from withdrawing credit card balances from one account for putting into another.
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NfL Football Credit Card Becoming a Rage in America
Bank of America gives you the desirable opportunity to feature the official team logo of your favorite NFL football team on your credit card through its NFL Extra Points™ Platinum Plus® Visa® Credit Card. This enables you to showcase your identity through your credit card. Bank of America’s imaginative new product is not only about the official team logo.
NFL Extra Points™ Platinum Plus® Visa® Credit Card is a reward credit card that offers exciting features. The features it offer include absence of annual fee, a 0% introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on balance transfers and cash advance checks for the first 12 billing cycles, online account access and points management. and 100% fraud protection.
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NFL Extra Points™ Platinum Plus® Visa® Credit Card is a reward credit card that offers exciting features. The features it offer include absence of annual fee, a 0% introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on balance transfers and cash advance checks for the first 12 billing cycles, online account access and points management. and 100% fraud protection.
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Customize Your Credit Card with Your Pet’s Picture
The Pet Rewards™ Visa® Credit Card issued by Bank of America® allows you to customize your credit card by including your pet’s picture on the face of the card. Apart from the pleasure of having your pet’s picture on the face of your card, you can earn valuable points, which will have a direct bearing on the various expenses related with your pet.
The provisions offered by Bank of America to the customer’s benefit along with its Pet Rewards™ Visa® Credit Card include the chance to earn two PetRewards Points for each dollar you spend at participating veterinary clinics, pet food retailers, farm and feed stores, and neighborhood pet specialty stores, the opportunity to receive 500 bonus points after your first purchase and availability of Mini Card.
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The provisions offered by Bank of America to the customer’s benefit along with its Pet Rewards™ Visa® Credit Card include the chance to earn two PetRewards Points for each dollar you spend at participating veterinary clinics, pet food retailers, farm and feed stores, and neighborhood pet specialty stores, the opportunity to receive 500 bonus points after your first purchase and availability of Mini Card.
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Credit Card Issuers Bank of America’s Masterstroke Gains Wide Acceptance
Bank of America has made excellent use of the popularity of baseball to create a sensation in the credit card market. The consumer credit cards of Bank of America now feature baseball teams, which has lifted their acceptance by a significant amount. The die-hard baseball fans in America have received Bank of America’s consumer credit cards with both hands.
The featuring of different baseball teams is not the only thing that lead to the wide acceptance of The Major League Baseball™ Extra Bases™ Credit Card. The other attractive features offered by this card from Bank of America include,
• Absence of annual fee for the first 12 billing cycles
• a 0% introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on balance transfers and cash advance checks for the first 12 billing cycles
• Opportunity to secure an official MLB™ licensed jersey after the first qualifying transaction using the card.
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The featuring of different baseball teams is not the only thing that lead to the wide acceptance of The Major League Baseball™ Extra Bases™ Credit Card. The other attractive features offered by this card from Bank of America include,
• Absence of annual fee for the first 12 billing cycles
• a 0% introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on balance transfers and cash advance checks for the first 12 billing cycles
• Opportunity to secure an official MLB™ licensed jersey after the first qualifying transaction using the card.
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Bad Credit is Not the End of Everything
People with bad credit quite often think that it is the end of the road for them as far as securing a loan or obtaining a credit card is concerned. But, this is not actually the case. Irrespective of whether you have bad credit or good credit, you can apply for a car loan or car credit if you are able to take care of some specific requirements.
Your chances of getting a car loan or car credit revolve considerably around the collateral you can present. One thing you must understand is that lenders will still consider your credit score and income-related details while you apply for a secured bad credit loan. Using co-signatories or guarantors will help you a lot as they increase your credibility and thus, your chances of obtaining a secured bad credit loan.
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Your chances of getting a car loan or car credit revolve considerably around the collateral you can present. One thing you must understand is that lenders will still consider your credit score and income-related details while you apply for a secured bad credit loan. Using co-signatories or guarantors will help you a lot as they increase your credibility and thus, your chances of obtaining a secured bad credit loan.
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Monday, 27 July 2009
Credit Repair Can be Tricky
There are many people who find it tough to maintain a decent credit history. From the start itself, usage of credit card must be done in a sensible manner to achieve good credit scores. Many people commit some mistake at some time and for them credit repair can be unavoidable to improve their credit history.
When going for credit repair, it is pivotal that you receive the right advice. Therefore, you need to search around for a professional that ca give you prudent tips. You should choose a credit repair company that has the required credentials to solve your problems. The chosen company should have enough expertise and experience in the field of credit repair.
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When going for credit repair, it is pivotal that you receive the right advice. Therefore, you need to search around for a professional that ca give you prudent tips. You should choose a credit repair company that has the required credentials to solve your problems. The chosen company should have enough expertise and experience in the field of credit repair.
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Student Credit Cards Demand Spending With Care
If you are aspiring for a flawless credit history, you need to put a break on your spending whenever you think your credit history is at a risk of getting damaged. Your credit history is at risk whenever you spend without having enough to account for your credit card charges. Students are particularly vulnerable to having a flawed credit history as they do not show enough responsibility as far as their spending is concerned.
Students should bear this in mind that an unimpressive credit history means that are they are ineligible for low-interest rate loan opportunities throughout their life-time. Students must realize that by keeping on paying just the minimum balance every month, they are going to quickly get indebted to credit card companies. So, pay your credit card charges wholly and build a strong credit history.
Students should bear this in mind that an unimpressive credit history means that are they are ineligible for low-interest rate loan opportunities throughout their life-time. Students must realize that by keeping on paying just the minimum balance every month, they are going to quickly get indebted to credit card companies. So, pay your credit card charges wholly and build a strong credit history.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
The Importance of Having Good Credit
Credit card offers can be great credit repair services as they can help you boost your credit limit and make your credit history look more credible. But, you must exercise care when you choose credit card offers. Going for the wrong option can jeopardize your credit history. People tend to avoid credit card offers in the fear that they might have to suffer financial damage or further weaken then financial stability.
Making small purchases with credit cards or spending smaller amounts and paying the minimum can keep people in the hunt for the best credit repair services. Maintaining good credit is the only way to utilize credit repair services to your advantage. Also, be prudent while deciding on the number of cards you should possess and the limits the cards should have. Always remember that everything revolves around the credit you possess.
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Making small purchases with credit cards or spending smaller amounts and paying the minimum can keep people in the hunt for the best credit repair services. Maintaining good credit is the only way to utilize credit repair services to your advantage. Also, be prudent while deciding on the number of cards you should possess and the limits the cards should have. Always remember that everything revolves around the credit you possess.
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Saturday, 25 July 2009
Good Student Credit Card Offers
No matter what the circumstances are, good students are always given the opportunity to build their credit history at early stage. Those students who are enrolled in universities, no matter what their credit history is, they have this opportunity of getting good student credit card offers which helps them in building a good track record for future.
Discover and Capital issue credit cards specifically to good students that are very good as compared to others. What they get is no annual fee, no interest for a fixed period of time, cash back bonuses and zero dollars fraud liability guaranttee.
One thing must be remembered as this is a time of recession and economic crisis, focus should be on developing a good credit profile by obtaining credit early and making payments on time.
Discover and Capital issue credit cards specifically to good students that are very good as compared to others. What they get is no annual fee, no interest for a fixed period of time, cash back bonuses and zero dollars fraud liability guaranttee.
One thing must be remembered as this is a time of recession and economic crisis, focus should be on developing a good credit profile by obtaining credit early and making payments on time.
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Getting a Free Credit Report
Some states make their residents eligible for annual free credit report for free under the state law. In addition, every consumer is entitled to have free credit report every 12 months. Furthermore, there are agencies like Equifax and TranUnion that offer credit reports by charging a certain fee.
You can get your credit report directly from credit reporting agency or you can get it through the website of annual credit report. It is highly recommended to benefit from your free credit reports by monitoring them. Because in this way, you will be able to find any errors in your credit reports and can ask the agency to reprint your report in a corrected form. This practice will surely improve your credit rating. So, if you're not doing this practice, then start now, go to website of annual credit report and order your free credit report.
You can get your credit report directly from credit reporting agency or you can get it through the website of annual credit report. It is highly recommended to benefit from your free credit reports by monitoring them. Because in this way, you will be able to find any errors in your credit reports and can ask the agency to reprint your report in a corrected form. This practice will surely improve your credit rating. So, if you're not doing this practice, then start now, go to website of annual credit report and order your free credit report.
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Friday, 24 July 2009
Credit Repair Pitfalls
Starting your adult life oblivious to the pitfalls of the credit system will be disastrous. Its so important to get things off on the right footing. If you, like me, didn't get this advice early on in life, then you are probably in need of some form of credit repair.
Credit repair can be done by yourself, but some people will find it much easier to let someone else do it for you. Selecting the right help is imperative. Many companies will advertise that they are the best and cant wait to get started. The key to selecting the right company will be the single biggest decision you will have to make on the credit repair process.
Check out the companies by googling them along with keywords like 'scam' to see if anyone has had a bad experience with them. Check how long they have been around.
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Credit repair can be done by yourself, but some people will find it much easier to let someone else do it for you. Selecting the right help is imperative. Many companies will advertise that they are the best and cant wait to get started. The key to selecting the right company will be the single biggest decision you will have to make on the credit repair process.
Check out the companies by googling them along with keywords like 'scam' to see if anyone has had a bad experience with them. Check how long they have been around.
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Tips for Improving your Credit Score
Improving your credit score starts with finding out excactly what information the credit reference agencies have for you on file already. Get your credit report from Equifax or Experian, this is the first step in improving your score.
Lets strat with the simple things. Start paying your bills on time. Even though some creditors have grace periods, you must always pay on time. Some companies record a late payment when you are late paying by only one day.
Keeps your credit card balances low. Spread your debt over all your cards and do not allow some cards to maxed out and others with none.
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Lets strat with the simple things. Start paying your bills on time. Even though some creditors have grace periods, you must always pay on time. Some companies record a late payment when you are late paying by only one day.
Keeps your credit card balances low. Spread your debt over all your cards and do not allow some cards to maxed out and others with none.
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Thursday, 23 July 2009
Can Students Get Credit Cards ?
Being a student does not mean that credit cards are unavailable to you. In fact quite the opposite is true. More and more lenders these days are tailoring credit cards for the humble student.
In todays uncertain world, its increasingly important to start as you mean to go on, building a great credit profile in your early years is key to a flexible financial life in the future.
Dicover and Capital One offer students some great deals on their first cards with benefits such as :-
No Annual Fees
0% interest for a fixed period
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In todays uncertain world, its increasingly important to start as you mean to go on, building a great credit profile in your early years is key to a flexible financial life in the future.
Dicover and Capital One offer students some great deals on their first cards with benefits such as :-
No Annual Fees
0% interest for a fixed period
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Need a Card ? Bad Credit ?
All is not lost. Many credit card companies are now giving those of us with 'less than perfect' credit histories a second chance to repair their credit. Secured credit cards and pre-paid credit cards are becoming more and more popular these days as the recession bites hard.
Bank of America, Capital One and New Millenium all offer these products with some or all of the following features :-
Credit available from $300 - $10,000
Build your credit rating back up
Save with a non-intro APR (Variable)
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Bank of America, Capital One and New Millenium all offer these products with some or all of the following features :-
Credit available from $300 - $10,000
Build your credit rating back up
Save with a non-intro APR (Variable)
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How to Apply for a Credit Card
To get approved for a credit card you need a good credit history. But to get a good credit history, you will need a credit card. Catch 22 right ? Not necessarily. It all depends on if you can understand the process for approval and which type of cards you should apply for.
Your situation will dictate which type of cards you stand a chance of being approved for. If you happen to be a student, then the obvious choice would be a student card. If for example, you have a non-existent or extremely bad credit history then do not despair ....
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Your situation will dictate which type of cards you stand a chance of being approved for. If you happen to be a student, then the obvious choice would be a student card. If for example, you have a non-existent or extremely bad credit history then do not despair ....
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